1996 TSB summaries are now available! 1995 TSB summaries still aren't.
The Timing Belt TSB is on-line. Please keep in mind that this is simply an instruction guide for the mechanics at the dealer - it is in NO way a recall notice! It is fairly long, so please don't grab it unless you really need it. It would be most helpful for those who are about to do the timing belt change themselves, or those who are thinking about it. Keep in mind that it will probably take you a weekend to do it the first time you try, and that you should have a friend help. Good luck! Send a post to the Talon Digest about how your belt change went if you do decide to try it.
The Timing Belt TSB mentioned above is a pretty faithful duplication of the factory TSB. Tom Stangl has taken the above TSB and greatly enhanced it, making it much more usable. I highly recommend pulling down a copy of it.
To help you do battle with your dealer, I've summarized most of the TSBs pertaining to the DSM cars. Note that while the Mitsubishi TSB numbers may be different, the type of work needed to be done will be the same since the cars are the same.
TSBs are not a guarantee that the dealer will do any work for you under warranty or otherwise. They are simply notes to the dealer's mechanics about problems that are known to happen across many of the cars. They also let the mechanics know about any errors in the shop manuals or that a large number of mechanics are fixing a problem incorrectly.
Any of the information
contained on this page may be in error or not up to date, so contact a dealer
for the most recent information.
Maintained by Todd Day, today@dsm.org.
August 20th, 1996.